These photos are so much fun! Isn't Molly the cutest?! I have been able to photograph her the last couple winters when she's home visiting her mom and am so sad (but happy!!:-)) that she will be moving away indefinitely. Thanks for letting me capture you Molly!!
I am so excited about the new year and will be making a few changes in 2012:) Nothing too big!! I have spent the last several years trying to find my way in the world of photography and I can finally narrow down the type or style of my art. So to any of you budding photographers reading this, it is a process for sure! One that I am still learning from, to say the least!!
I am booking seniors graduating in 2013 this summer, if you are interested in a free session contact me here:
Contact Form I am looking for someone in a local high school that would be willing to represent danille anderson photography and tell all there friends!! For those of you graduating in 2012, It's not too late to have your pictures taken by me! I have a great indoor location, and have a few openings this spring, when the weather gets a bit nicer! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!!

Thanks for reading { Nel }