Top row:
My boys, they are a constant favorite of mine. I am seriously out-numbered, but I am a very active person so I enjoy the craziness. I love them.
A recent craft project(yes, I like 'crafts') fabric flowers. I found out they are super easy to make and they are adorable on headbands.... Now if I could just find some cute little girls to model them for me.....
Bottom row:
We have dreams here. I love my life:-)
My new wind chime, soooo relaxing. It reminds me of days at my grandparents house on the lake, and it's a windy day today so I've been enjoying it!
My new camera bag, it was my gift on Mother's Day!! I was in need of something more functional. Totally love it.
Spring, and all that goes with it! I am loving being outdoors with my family, jogging and going to the park, also swimming outside for the fist time this season yesterday! I am SO happy to get outside and take pictures again! Goodbye for now winter!