So, I decided to change my logo around this year and make my color scheme yellow! I have changed my logo around several times since I started out and I think I finally have what I want, for awhile anyways:-) I am so excited about my new double sided, rounded corners business cards, very fun!! I have been reading a lot about developing my "brand" lately and they say a great logo and design layout really help draw people to your company. I have been working to make my business true to my style and the things I love because thats the one thing that sets me apart from other photographers. This year I really want to focus on finding my niche in photography and developing that skill. I feel like my style comes out a ton in my photos, now I just need to develop a business style. And I am NOT great at the business end of things. One major thing I am going to try harder at is this blog and making regular posts! Yay! Be it business or personal I will blog more!! Follow me here often, I would love to hear from you, and I will be posting random givaways throughout the summer! I am trying to pull together another mini-session day for sometime at the end of June, I should have that up soon.
For now a couple photos of my new cards!

Thanks for reading! {Nel}
Love! How did you make these?
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